1LT Jared W. Southworth

 28 May 1982 ~ 8 February 2009

  SSG Jason E. Burkholder

8 November 1981 ~ 8 February 2009


SGT Scott Bradley Stream

March 4, 1969 ~

February 24, 2009 

SPC Schuyler Brent Patch 

February 17, 1984 ~

February 24, 2009

SGT Daniel James Thompson

August 20, 1984 ~

February 24, 2009 

CPT Brian Matthew Bunting

December 4, 1979 ~

February 24, 2009 

SGT Simone Robinson
30 August 1987 – 1 March 2009

Injuries Sustained January 17, 2009 


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me  all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

  SGT Robert M. Weinger

22 December 1984 – 15 March 2009

  SPC Norman L. Cain III

23 October 1986- 15 March 2009

  SGT Christopher P. Abeyta

10 April 1985 - 15 March 2009

  SSG William D. Vile

15 June 1981- 1 May 2009

   MAJ Rocco M. Barnes

April 9, 1958 – June 4, 2009

  SPC Jeffrey W. Jordan

February 15, 1988 - June 4, 2009

  1SG John Blair

October 9, 1970 – June 20, 2009

  SSG Joshua A. Melton

October 8, 1982 – June 19, 2009

  1LT Derwin I. Williams 

 January 18, 1968 -  July 6, 2009

  SGT Brock H. Chavers

March 1, 1979 - July 7, 2009

  Darren E. Tate

Aviation Ordnanceman

November 25, 1987 - July 8, 2009

SGT Gerrick D. Smith

14 February 1990 -  28 July 2009 

SFC Tara J. Smith

28 May 1976 - 8 Aug 2009 

  SPC Francisco X. Aguila

29 March 1974 – 14 April 2009


15 June 1981- 1 May 2009 

 SSG John C. Beale

February 11, 1970 – June 4, 2009

 MAJ Kevin  M. Jenrette

September 2, 1971 – June 4, 2009

 SFC Kevin DuPont

October 9, 1956 – June 17, 2009


  SSG Paul G. Smith

July 9, 1965 – June 19, 2009

  SPC Christopher M. Talbert

May 31, 1985  - July 7, 2009

  SPC Chester W. Hosford

December 28, 1973 - July 6, 2009

  SPC Isaac L. Johnson Jr.

December 8, 1984 - July 7, 2009

CPT Matthew C H Freeman

CPT Freeman, 29, died 7 Aug 2009 while supporting combat operations in Kapisa province, Afghanistan 

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